Trade Facilitation
Trade Facilitation
Multiple cross-border regulatory agencies (CBRAs) have their legal role in international trade at various stages, before, during or after clearance process. Overall clearance efficiency depends on timely and convenient exchange of relevant information among trade and CBRAs for declaration, validation, monitoring & enforcement and reporting purposes. MicroClear® provides a platform for such multi-agency collaborative interactions between Customs system and third party system to use this platform to manage their operations, track consignments and
perform pre-arrival and post release controls. On the MicroClear® platform border agencies, ports, free zones, warehouses, carriers and intermediaries and third-parties (agents) interact with each other in real-time. Trader can perform all their business efficiently with government on one system regarding their imports, exports, transits, and transshipments through any mode of transport.
ICS – The leading provider of Trade Facilitation Solutions and Services
Trade facilitation technology that is trusted
by big Governments, with seamless
integration & customization.